Reference Books

There are many resources available for practioners of Goju-Ryu karate. Included here are some of the ultimate references for anybody interested in Goju Ryu karate.

The four volume set of books by Higaonna Morio Sensei are essentially the bible of Goju-Ryu and are a must for all karateka. Traditional Karate-do represents a Master’s attempt to preserve the practical wisdom accumulated in years of karate training. The Six thousand photos, taken with a motor driven camera, show you the secret of Higaonna Karate.



Traditional Karate-do – Okinawa Goju Ryu, Volume 1: Fundamental Techniques.

Morio Higaonna, ISBN 0-87040-595-0.

  • Introduction
  • Roots of Karate
  • Goju-Ryu History
  • Preliminary exercies and principal knowledge
  • Supplemental exercises
  • Fundamental techniques and Kata, sanchin of Kanryo Higaonna Sensei.



Traditional Karate-do – Okinawa Goju Ryu, Volume 2: Performances of the Kata.

Morio Higaonna, ISBN 0-87040-596-9.

  • Characterisitcs of the Okinawan Goju Ryu
  • Fundamental Kata, Sanchin of Chojun Miyagi Sensei
  • Performances of the Kata:
    • Gekisai-dai-ichi
    • Gekisai-dai-ni
    • Saifa
    • Seiyunchin
    • Shisochin
    • Sanseru




Traditional Karate-do – Okinawa Goju Ryu, Volume 3: Applications of the Kata.

Morio Higaonna, ISBN 0-87040-597-7.

Volume 3 contains applications from the first two kata, as well as a demonstration of Tensho kata and the advanced kata, Sepai through Suparinpei. It will be a useful guide to martial artists at all levels and of all styles.

The kata of Okinawan Goju Ryu are thoroughly practical. Each movement has meaning. This volume contains 1,000 photographs taken by a motor-driven camera, capturing each movement moment by moment, and clearly illustrating why kata is the backbone of Master Higaonna’s karate.

  • Performances of the Kata:
    • Sepai
    • Kururunfa
    • Sesan
    • Suparinpei
    • Tensho
  • Applications of the Kata:
    • Gekisai-dai-ichi
    • Gekisai-dai-ni




Traditional Karate-do – Okinawa Goju Ryu, Volume 4: Applications of the Kata Part 2.

Morio Higaonna, ISBN 0-87040-848-8.

Volume 4 contains applications from the katas Saifa through Suparinpei, as well as introducing iri-kumi, shiai kumite and yakusoku kumite. It will be a useful guide to martial artists at all levels and of all styles.

  • Applications of the Kata:
    • Saifa
    • Seiyunchin
    • Shisochin
    • Sanseru
    • Sepai
    • Kururunfa
    • Sesan
    • Suparinpei
  • Kumite:
    • Irikumi
    • Shiai Kumite
    • Yakusoku-kumite
  • Goju-Ryu History, Historical Accounts – Grandmaster Kanryo Higaonna, Chojun Miyagi




The History of Karate: Okinawan Goju-Ryu

Morio Higaonna, ISBN 0-94606-236-6.

The result of decades of research into the history of Goju-ryu, “The History of Karate” is based on information Morio Higaonna gathered while training as a young student at the Garden Dojo of Chojun Miyagi, on hundreds of hours of interviews he conducted with senior Okinawan karateka, students, friends and relatives of both Chojun Miyagi and Kanryo Higaonna, and on personal research he carried out in China.

The book is of high quality and well illustrated. It is a treasure house of facts concerning the early history of Okinawan karate, descriptions of the early training and, best of all, it describes Chojun Miyagi’s ethical ideals, teaching methods and way of life, providing a valuable source of knowledge and understanding to guide the present day karateka.

This book should be on the shelf of every serious student of karate, and it should be read often.



Kurosaki Killed the Cat

John Jarvis, ISBN 0-9582728-0-8.

The much anticipated autobiography of John Jarvis has arrived and will find a ready market among karateka of all styles in New Zealand and Australia. Jarvis Sensei is one of the true pioneers of the Asian martial arts in Australasia and the story of his quarter century of full time training is very much the roots of the TOGKFNZ.

John’s writing style is a cross between the wry humour of a Spike Milligan autobiography, and the introspection of the classic account of a westerner’s journey in the Japanese martial arts given by C. W. Nicol’s Moving Zen. Read more of this review…

“Kurosaki Killed the Cat” is available from Dymocks Booksellers, Wellington; $28.99