Victoria University Dojo Formal Ceremonies

Formal Ceremonies

Our dojo often uses formal opening and closing ceremonies. Below are the Japanese commands given and an explanation in English.

Opening Ceremony

Head student: shugo – Line up

Head student: ki o tsuke – Attention

Head student: seiza – Kneel

Head student: mokuso – Meditation, eyes closed

Head student: mokuso yame – Open eyes

Head student: sensei ni – Face Instructor

Head student: rei – Bow

Everybody: onegaishimasu – “Will you please?” In karate “Please teach me”

Instructor: tate – Stand up

Closing Ceremony

Head student: shugo – Line up

Head student: ki o tsuke – Attention

Head student: seiza – Kneel

Head student: mokuso – Meditation, eyes closed

Head student: mokuso yame – Open eyes

Head student: sensei ni – Face Instructor

Head student: rei – Bow

Everybody: domo arigato gozaimashita – Thank you very much

Head student: otagai ni – Face fellow student

Head student: rei – Bow

Everybody: domo arigato gozaimashita – Thank you very much

Head student: shomen ni – Face forwards

The Instructor will then get up and leave, then the other students in order of rank.